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Don’t let the spark within you die!

At times nothing would seem to go right
And you’ll feel like giving up in the fight
Just take a deep breath and let out a sigh..
Don’t let the optimism within you die!

Explore the options & challenge your limits
Try & hold on for a bit more before you quit
Little perseverance & you’ll again soar high
Don’t let the hope of better tomorrow within you die!



Feeling so blessed and overwhelmed for getting a chance to meet the badshah of bollywood – Shahrukh Khan himself. Being an ardent fan it was more than a dream come true. In fact it was an experience to cherish for lifetime ๐Ÿ˜‡

I have seen people admiring and gushing over some film stars and sports persons but when they see or meet them in person the experience is not as good as their image in people’s mind. But here I must say that my respect has grown many fold for Shahrukh Khan after yesterday’s event. I have started adoring and admiring him more than I used to earlier. Such a thorough gentlemen and a charmer for sure..

Oh! The way he talks and his witty comebacks on audience’s questions and comments.. the way he was receiving every award winner on stairs and was leading him/her to the stage.. the way he looked so happy to present the awards and there was no hint of tiredness or irritation on his face even after handing over so many awards and performing lot many entertaining tasks. And the way he was looking way too handsome in a waistcoat with his shirt slieves folded up rising the hotness quotient high in an open air venue.. ๐Ÿคฉ

The best thing was – Everytime I asked him can I get a hug he happily hugged me saying offcourse darling!!! Such a warm feeling!!!

I am still not able to come out of that moment. It seems like I am smitten by his charm and his chivalry. And it looks like it’s gonna take forever to change my feelings for him… ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sometimes I myself wonder how confused soul I am!!! I am never sure about what I want in life… And that’s the reason why I use passive technique instead of active approach to life.. since I myself am not clear I avoid taking decisions and taking steps to change the status quo and wait for the next change that is brought by life itself.. Whenever, life presents me a situation where I have to take a decision and do something to bring about a change I find myself resisting to go ahead and make it happen as I am afraid of it turning out worse than the current situation.. I feel like interfering in nature’s events.. somewhere deep in my mind I have a belief that whatever will happen on its own would be the best thing for me.. but I hv also realized through experience that I have lost so many opportunities due to this thought process.. So, with this self realization I have decided to take my life in my hands and to do what it takes to bring in the positive change and success.. even if it turns out to be not as expected I will have the satisfaction of being in charge of my life and there would be no regrets of not trying And what’s the excitement in living a day as it comes.. the real fun lies in living the day as you want it to be.. So, I hv decided to take the driver’s seat in my journey.. what about you?

A recent incident in my neibourhood made me wonder where has the childhood innocence been lost… and where the next generation is actually heading to…??

Around a week back a mother scolded her 10 year old son for something which she didn’t approve of him… and guess what that boy did to retort…

He attempted suicide by trying to strangulate himself…. fortunately, one of his family member saw and he was saved…

This whole incident left me thinking and wondering what inspired him to take this step… was he trying to play a prank??

I mean at the age of 10 we didn’t know what suicide is or even if we knew.. just a scolding from parents was not the reason enough to end life for us… and pranks? Our pranks were also funny and harmless and not anything so serius…

I am still confused… are the kids today losing the innocence or they are being forced to lose the innocence due to immense pressure and innumerable expectations from them???

It had started as a silly arguement and ended with “You idiot woman!!!”

The next second it all went dark and numb.. she wasn’t able to absorb what had just happened…
Those two words were echoing in her ears.. Idiot woman…

Yes, he was right… so right.. she’s really been an idiot woman who sacrificed her dreams for him.. who compromised with her lifestyle just to make him happy.. who changed herself to be how he likes her to be… who thought for him first before thinking about herself… etc etc….

And snap!!! that idiot woman vanished away and there stoodย  an independent and confident woman ready to lead her life on her own terms…

Changes motherhood brings!!!

Just a random thought:
It’s so unbelievable how motherhood changes a lazy & careless girl to all responsible, super agile, so caring & concerned mom!!!


Tears started rolling down his cheeks… she was stunned to see her husband cry… this was the sight she hated to have seen… 

He had always been strong and had been her pillar of strength and courage and now what was she witnessing is he is crying!! And crying unstoppable.

She thought of it and felt somewhat relieved as she knew that these are tears of self-realization and guilt. She knew that he has come to understand the damage he had caused to his own daughter just because of following orthodox ways of the society. 

Today only after a year and half of the marriage, his daughter has come to him after sudden death of her husband. Her in-laws have sent her back saying that they can not bear hers and her a year old baby’s responsibility.

Their daughter who wanted to study and become a doctor had been married off at an early age and had been denied her right even to complete her graduation let alone medical studies. He was of the view that the groom is well-educated, earns reasonably well and family is well off hence she doesn’t need to study further and would be happy at her new home.

Today, seeing her helpless and lost for inspiration broke him completely. He had now understood the importance of education in girl’s life too for making them self-dependent and able to handle such unpredictable situations.

He wiped tears of her daughter who was sobbing on his shoulders continuously and in that very moment he made a decision to equip her with the most powerful tool for her self-dependence… he had decided to let her study and complete her education at any cost.

Lovely Weekends :)

Weekends, weekends, weekends!!! Its a weekend again… and I can’t tell how much I love them ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚


Yup! Never have loved weekend as much as I do now… Why? You may ask….

Just because weekend is the time I get to spend with my hubby and know what!!! he’s so much fun to be with… In routine life with our busy office schedule it gets difficult to spend some time together… So, weekends are all we have to treasure.

By the way, weekend has always been much awaited for me being a lazy bum… I used to wait for weekend in child hood just to sleep till late in the morning… in college also for the same reason and also for some fun and shopping…

And the importance of weekends grew the most when I started working… ๐Ÿ™‚ Any one who works 6 days a week can understand what a weekend means in such case!!!

And now when I have some one to enjoy my weekend with I wait for it more eagerly… on weekends It feels like time is flying and its over too soon… coz we have so much to do, so many works to finish and lots of masti and dhamal…

And on Monday, :(:(:( this is how I am…

When I wake up on Monday, one song echoes in my head and that is… Bloody khooni Monday…..

ย I wish weekends could be bit longer….

For now just watch this video and laugh your heart out:

You all might have had different observations and experiences of how things are in today’s corporate world. I have also had my share of experiences in the corporate world accumulated during last 6 years. But recently I have developed a new formula by my experiences lately. And it is like “Degree of Humanity in a person is equally opposite of the grade he/she holds.”

I know many people would have pointed it out earlier also but I am stating this now because I have felt it deep recently. The higher one goes on the corporate ladder, the lesser is the humanity in that person.

Or is it the opposite??? That whoever grows more inhuman takes the easy steps to the top of the corporate ladder.


Well, that’s something to be seen. I think I am not yet experienced enough to decide which statement is right.

Friends!!! Please share your views also on my observations and solve myย dilemma whether growth leads to inhumanity or inhumanity leads to growth.

Feeling odd one out…

There are time and situations in life when one feels odd one out. It can be anytime, anywhere but never when one is with his/her best friends.. Rite???

But I had this strange experience of feeling odd one out while I was with my best friends… Friends who are closest and with whom I have spent most memorable and enjoyable moments.

Normally when you meet old friends after a long time you feel out of the world. But when you lose regular touch with friends and they move on making new friends, new circle and when you suddenly happen to join them with their new circle, you somehow feel odd one out until you are a show stealer.. ๐Ÿ˜‰ which certainly I am not.

Well, life has to flow and things have to move… I feel lucky to have got such lovely friends and their company in this fast paced life. All I wish is not to lose touch with such lovely souls.

